– Our Solution is going on K2……Solar Power Kit…
Solar Sigma Ltd. feels privileged to host Mrs and Mr. Ralf Dujmovitis, renowned mountaineers from Germany at our regional Head Quarters Islamabad. Mr. Ralf is 1st German who reached the Top of K2. Guests were welcomed by Mrs. & Mr. Nisar A. Latif (CEO-SSL).
They have been presented with, first of its own kind, Mountaineer solar Power kit.
We feel proud that, we have designed and assembled this mountaineer kit, which is portable & convenient for mountaineers, climbers, campers and frequent travelers. It is very low in cost and provides electric power to different appliances directly from solar light at day time and stores it in the battery for night. Works with a light weight Foldable, Flexible solar panel that can be packed easily in the suitcase.